"Re-engineering polymers for biobased content and end-of-life through biodegradability-compostability"
Ramani Narayan is University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University in the Department of chemical engineering & materials science. He is Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and Fellow of ASTM International. He has 200+ refereed publications in leading journals, 32 issued patents and graduated 24 Ph.D. and 27 Master’s students.
He is the founding Chair of ASTM committee on Environmentally Degradable Plastics and Biobased Products (D20.96). As Chair, he developed Specification Standards for biobased and biodegradable-compostable plastics like D6400, D6868, & D6866. He also serves as USA technical expert to ISO (International Standards Organization) TC 61 on Plastics, and specifically on SC 14 subcommittee on "Environmental Aspects", including convener of WG 3 on BioBased Plastics. He is scientific advisor to the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), USDA BioPreferred Program, European certification organizations, and other NGOs. U.S. National Academy of Science, Engineering, & Medicine (NASEM) invited committee member to report on U.S. contributions to global ocean plastic wastes.
He conducted Polylactide (Ingeotm) technology development and engineering scale-up studies for Cargill/NatureWorks – 150 kton production facility for PLA, the world’s foremost 100% biobased and biodegradable-compostable polymer material. He engineered advanced PLA-biopolyester hybrid resin materials that is commercial (www.natur-tec.com). He developed starch biofoam materials for cushion protection and insulation packaging. He is actively researching biodegradability and compostability studies of polymer plastics and engineering flow composter systems for managed end-of-life of compostable plastics with biodegradable organic wastes.
"Enjeux et perspectives associés aux chaines de valeur des polymères furaniques biosourcés"
Nathanael Guigo is associate professor at Université Côte d’Azur. He is specialized in physical chemistry of polymers with a peculiar interest on sustainable polymeric materials following a circular approach (e.g. valorization of co-products from biorefineries or industry). His scientific expertise relies to the structure/property relations in polymers such as re-organization during processing/recycling, comprehensive understanding of cross-linking, glass transition behaviour, crystallization, thermal degradation. His research interests are particularly focused on biobased furanic polymers - both thermoplastics (e.g. PEF) and thermosets (humins resins, furanic epoxies, etc.). He is co-author of more than 75 publications (ORCID 0000-0002-0858-4093).
From 2010, he has been actively involved as PI and co-I of several national (ANR JCJC FUTURES) and EU projects (BIOFUR in FP7; ITN project HUGS in H2020). N. Guigo is currently the Vice-Chair of the European COST Action FUR4SUSTAIN (CA18220) dedicated to the furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) chain value.
"Interactions polymères/substrat et frottement"
Emilie Verneuil est chercheur au CNRS au sein du laboratoire SIMM (Sciences et ingénierie de la Matière Molle) / ESPCI Paris, dans l'équipe Matière Molle Hors d'Equilibre. Sa recherche porte sur la dynamique des interfaces dans des liquides complexes (solutions de polymères ou tensioactifs, gels, fondus de polymères). Les problèmes qu'elle aborde sont souvent inspirés de problématiques appliquées liées aux procédés industriels (filtration d’émulsions ou suspensions, dépôt de revêtements, ou dissolution de poudres...) qui soulèvent des questions fondamentales de mouillage, frottement, ou de transport. Sur la base d'expériences originales, son approche vise à décrire les couplages entre les contraintes et les transferts de matière aux interfaces et en volume, en combinant des aspects de mécanique et hydrodynamique avec la physico-chimie et la thermodynamique.
"Polymer brush design for gene delivery - Macromolecular architecture and biomolecular interactions"
Julien Gautrot is Professor in Biomaterials and Biointerfaces in the School of Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London. His research focuses on the development of biointerfaces and microengineered biomaterials for stem cell technologies and the design of advanced cell culture platforms. In particular, his group has explored the physico-chemical properties of polymer brushes, the regulation of interactions of biomacromolecules at these interfaces and pioneered their application for the design of stem cell microarrays and for gene delivery. He has published over 90 research articles, including in journals such as Chem. Rev., Nat. Mater., Nat. Cell Biol., Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials and Nano Letters. In 2017, he was awarded an ERC consolidator grant to explore the design of bioemulsions for stem cell technologies. Since 2021, he is Director of the CDT in Molecular Biochemical Engineering at QMUL.
"Micelles inanimées, avez-vous donc une âme qui s’attache à notre âme et la force d’aimer ?"
Christophe Chassenieux est Professeur des Universités au sein de l’Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans à l’Université du Mans depuis 2005 après avoir été Maitre de Conférences à Jussieu pendant 7 ans. Il est physicochimiste de la matière molle (colloïdes, émulsions, hydrogels). Il cherche à contrôler la structure et la dynamique d’auto-assemblages de polymères en variant la nature des interactions entre différents types d’ingrédients (polymères amphiphiles, polysaccharides, protéines, tensioactifs, colloïdes (in)organiques,…). Parmi ses travaux, on peut citer ceux sur des assemblages à l’équilibre thermodynamique de polymères amphiphiles à blocs conduisant à des hydrogels de dynamique contrôlée, ceux sur les séparations de phase liq/liq conduisant à la formation d’émulsions eau dans eau et de microcapsules protéiques et enfin ceux sur la gélification de suspensions denses. Depuis, plus récemment, il s’intéresse au vieillissement de micro- et nanoparticules de plastiques en milieux aqueux.
"Single conducting polymer electrolytes for safe and high performance batteries"
Cristina Iojoiu got her PhD from University of Montpellier 2 and University Gheorghi Asachi, Iasi, Romania. She is a CNRS scientist since 2006 in the laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physico-chemistry of Materials and Interfaces (LEPMI). She has worked for 17 years in the synthesis, characterization and degradation of electrolytes for electrochemical devices (PEMFC, Lithium batteries) based on polymers and ionic liquids. She is heading the team “Material Interface and Electrochemistry” from LEPMI which is one of leader teams in France on the synthesis and characterization of polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices. She is the co-leader of the scientific project "multifunctional materials for electrochemical generators" of Labex CEMAM. She supervises as a scientific coordinator many national and international projects on nano-structured polymer electrolytes for energy storage and conversion. She published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and 5 book chapters; having an h-index of 25/28 (Scopus/ Google Scholar). She delivered 25 invited lectures and is co-inventor of 15 patents dealing with electrochemical energy sources. She has supervised 17 PhD students.
"L'auto-assemblage des copolymères à blocs est-il une nanotechnologie ? Le cas des métamatériaux"
Virginie Ponsinet est une physico-chimiste de la matière molle. Sa recherché l’a menée au Collège de France (Paris), au Technion, Univ. of Technology (Haifa, Israel), au centre de recherche Rhodia à Princeton (USA), et à l’East China Univ. of Science and Technology (Shanghai, China). Elle est maintenant chercheuse au Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, à Bordeaux, où elle s’intéresse à des nanomatériaux et métamatériaux auto-assemblés.
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